Thursday, January 7, 2010


Committing yourself to yoga six times a week would be a serious time challenge for anyone. Balancing 75 minutes of exercise a day with law school and the rest of life is going to prove challenging. On Sundays, that 75 minutes is extended to two hours for the weekly meetings of the yogis completing the challenge, and on Mondays I work-study, which ends up taking up 2 hours with the extra work involved, as well. By the time you include travel time (since I no longer live across the street) and shower time, this is at least a three hour commitment a day when I head to the studio.

Luckily, there will be podcasts developed, so I can do some practice at home.

I've been pondering what part of the day to practice in my apartment, and I think morning is my best option. I don't ever have class until 10:30. By the time I get home from school life tends to get in the way. Starting the day with meditation and yoga will put me in the right mindset to handle the stresses of school and life. As long as I can get myself up in the morning... I'll have to find a motivator for that.

I'm going to try to pick up as many subbing shifts at the studio I can manage, since the 95 degree heat really gives the best workout. I also need to be realistic about the studio time commitment. I probably will do these at night since the 6:30AM and 9AM time slots are tough with my schedule. I'll shoot for 3 workouts at the studio, and three at home. Yay!

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