Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Good morning!

I know it's not morning now. It's evening, and I should be greeting you with, "Good evening." I mean that it was a good morning.

I woke up after only ONE snooze button slap! Got a fabulous 30 minute yoga practice in, and I decided I'd attempt to get ready before meditating again. It worked this time! I went with my hair up instead of down and had plenty of time for a full ten minute meditation.

I don't know that I'll have time to meditate this way as the time requirements get longer, but it made a huge difference in my day. I was really able to focus on letting life go while I meditated since all the real busyness of my morning had subsided. That focus remained with me through the day, and I noticed that I still had the deep breath I maintained during meditation after my first class, some two hours later. It was such a refreshing feeling being able to breathe that calmly and deeply.

I've started to feel "lighter", like my body isn't carrying around so much heaviness. I don't think I've lost any weight so far, but I feel like something has been lifted off my shoulders. It may be a state of mind. It may be the removal of some of the chips and crackers and holiday junk I was eating. I'm not really sure what it is yet, but my body, and life, feels a little more at ease.

I do have to be careful not to lose my life focus. Law school does go on, no matter how much I want to bake and cook and discover and be.

Let's hope this isn't the last good morning. Tomorrow is a rest day.

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